Straight Teeth the Natural Way
Allow your child to reach their genetic potential without braces
In line with Dr. Carla and Dr. Loria’s whole-body wellness approach to treating your child, the Myobrace® focuses on treating the underlying causes of crooked teeth and poor jaw maturation by unlocking the mouth’s natural ability for growth and development.
Clinical research conducted by Myofunctional Research Co. (MRC) has proven that “crowded teeth, incorrect jaw development and other orthodontic problems are not caused by big teeth in small jaws or other hereditary factors. Mouth breathing, tongue thrusting, reverse swallowing and thumb sucking (known as incorrect myofunctional habits) are the real causes”.
3 Out of 4 Children Have a Malocclusion.
Studies have also shown that early detection and interceptive treatment while the patient is still developing is the best course of action for long term results. Early treatment with the Myobrace appliance can assist in improving the habits that cause crooked teeth, improve facial development, and lessen the need for more intensive orthodontic treatment when the patient is older.
Successful treatment using the Myobrace can help:
-Straighten teeth
-Correct alignment of the teeth and jaws
-Minimize the need or eliminate need for braces
-Avoid the extraction of healthy teeth
-Reduce the need for fixed retainers
-Improve facial development
-Improve overall health
-The jaw develop to genetic potential
-Promote healthy eating habits
Treatment is best suited to children ages 3 to 15 and involves using a series of removable intraoral appliances that are worn for 1-2 hours each day and often overnight while sleeping. Successful treatment using the Myobrace is impacted by a child’s biological ability to change habits, their natural growth patterns, and how early treatment is started. Treatment outcomes are also heavily dependent on your child’s compliance to frequent and proper use of the Myobrace.
How does the Myobrace do this?
The Myobrace helps the child:
-Breathe through the nose
-Correct tongue resting position
-Swallow correctly
-Keep the lips together
There are typically four stages of treatment with Myobrace®:
Habit correction, arch development, dental alignment and then retention.
Myobrace is the training wheels for myofuncional therapy
Getting started with the Myobrace is a collaborative process between Dr. Carla or Dr. Loria, the parent(s) and child. In order to obtain the highest rate of success, we take the time needed so you and your child understand the treatment process. During the consultation we will explain the treatment plan in depth after we properly evaluate your child’s teeth, face and posture. We take x-rays when needed. Once the treatment plan has been presented and clearly understood, your child will be presented with their first Myobrace® appliance and regular check-ups will be scheduled.
Beyond Pediatric Dentistry utilizes the Myobrace Activities app in order to engage children and get them excited about their treatment. The better the compliance with wearing the device, the higher the chances of success. Our little patients love to have fun and earn prizes. We love to see their little smiles grow.
Call for a Myobrace consultation today!
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